Wealth Coaching

Invest with higher returns & minimal efforts.

Wealth coaching is a professional service that helps people improve their financial situation and achieve their financial goals. A wealth coach is a professional who helps people get out of financial problems and into a life they love.

Wealth coaches offer a safe, easy, and secure way to invest in stocks, bonds, cash, property, and other asset classes to build wealth. Wealth coaching involves emphasizing the concept that wealth is more than money. Wealth coaches help people gain wealth in a variety of ways.

They can help clients create a budget, manage debt, save for retirement, invest in the stock market, and more. They also guide us on how to make intelligent financial decisions and avoid common mistakes.

In contrast with most asset managers or financial planners who charge 1% or more of your assets annually, my wealth coaching is paid for by the hour. I strongly believe in people making their own financial decisions independently, minimizing costs and risks, and only asking for help when needed.

My concept is like the dentist: you brush your teeth yourself, ask for help if you don’t know how to do that well, and only go for a checkup once every half year.

Yes, I want a bit of help to become wealthy!

No hidden costs. 100% independent and transparent. Pay per visit. For most clients, your intake takes around 1 hour. Follow-up checkup consults are primarily below 30 minutes. We coach individual investors but don’t give buy or sell recommendations.

My consultation fee is HKD 900 per half hour.